Management Skills: Be Careful What You Wish For
Although some will think that they can, virtually 99% of managers will not be able to make every decision, think up every plan and handle every issue themselves without the assistance of others. If they could, they would have no need to hire any employees and pay them wages. Even with all of the management training courses in the world it will be impossible to acquire all of the knowledge that is required to do every job, especially as it would take up a multiple of the time the manager actually has available in the day.
Many managers wish that employees would come to them with important issues or feel like they can approach the manager to discuss opportunities or share their ideas. If they do, it is important that the manager does not do anything which discourages this. It is all very well for the manager to say to employees how much they want them to come up with ideas or inform management in a timely manner when there is a problem, but if that manager then proceeds to shout and scream or be dismissive of every suggestion - particularly if they do so in a condescending or patronising manner - then employees will soon stop approaching them. This can not only lead to the manager not receiving ideas and suggestions which may prove to be highly beneficial for the organisation when implemented, but also may only find out about a problem or issue when it is too late to do anything about it and rectify the situation.
These necessary interpersonal skills are often learnt through a combination of attending management training courses which can teach strategies for dealing with employees, and good old-fashioned experience of dealing with employees. It is for this reason that some of the best managers tend to be older people who have gained a lot of managerial experience as opposed to a younger first line manager who may be quite new to being in charge of people.